Tutotial folosire|How to
Romania Tutorial
- Dati copy la fisierul cu numele tempdecal.wad , va duceti unde aveti instalat Counter Strike.(De ex: D:\Game\Counter Strike 1.6/csstrike)
- Intrati in folderul csstrike si dati paste fisierului.Se va deschide o fereastra la care va trebui sa selectati Yes to all
- Sterge-ti folderul logos din csstrke.(Exista posibilitatea ca el sa nu se stearga.Intrati in folder si stergeti manual fiecare spray existent dupa care iesit din folder si incercati sa-l stergeti din nou).STERGEREA FOLDERULUI logos NU VA AFECTA JOCUL !
Si gata, aveti propriul vostru Spray-Logo!
ATENTIE: NU trebuie sa va duceti in Options-multyplayer si sa-l cautati acolo unde sunt pozele pentru spary, pentu ca nu-l veti gasi!
Pur si simplu intrati in Counter Strike, pe un server si apasati tasta T. Pe perete veti face poza dorita.
English Tutorial
* Give copy tempdecal.wad, you go where you installed Counter Strike. (For example: D: \ Game \ Counter Strike 1.6\csstrike)
* Enter the folder csstrike and click paste. Will open a window where you should select Yes to all.
* Delete folder you logos in csstrke.
And ready, you spray your own logo!
WARNING: DO NOT have to go to Options-multyplayer and where they are looking for spary pictures to fit as you will not find it!Simply enter in Counter Strike, a server and press T. The wall is a picture you want.
* Enter the folder csstrike and click paste. Will open a window where you should select Yes to all.
* Delete folder you logos in csstrke.
And ready, you spray your own logo!
WARNING: DO NOT have to go to Options-multyplayer and where they are looking for spary pictures to fit as you will not find it!Simply enter in Counter Strike, a server and press T. The wall is a picture you want.